GNLW224 Decanter Centrifuge for Overseas Salt Chemical Application

Recently, GN Segregation has successfully completed the assembly of two GNLW224 decanter centrifuges. With a compact design that combines innovation and durability, these machines are suitable for various industries, from environmental protection to salt chemicals and oil & gas exploration.

The GNLW224, a testament to GN’s commitment to technological excellence, boasts a bowl diameter of 220mm and a length-to-diameter ratio of 4.2, optimizing space utilization without compromising performance. Its rotational speed of up to 5000 RPM ensures high-speed separation, producing higher centrifugal force to ensure the separation performance. Moreover, the use of duplex stainless steel 2205 for the bowl, combined with a centrifugal casting process, results in a better balanced and resilient structure that withstands harsh operational conditions while minimizing vibrations and maximizing longevity.

Empowering Multiple Industries

1. Environmental Protection: Sludge Dewatering

In the environmental sector, GN decanter centrifuge has been widely applied for sludge dewatering centrifuge. With its ability to effectively separate water from sewage sludge, this machine significantly reduces the volume of waste requiring disposal, thereby cutting down transportation costs and enabling easier, more eco-friendly sludge handling. By improving sludge dryness, it also facilitates energy recovery through anaerobic digestion, advancing the circular economy in wastewater treatment plants.

2. Salt Chemicals: Crystal Salt Dewatering

Within the salt chemicals industry, the decanter centrifuge plays a pivotal role in crystal salt dewatering. Salt producers rely on efficient separation techniques to obtain high-purity salt crystals, and the decanter centrifuge excels in this regard. Its precision separation capabilities ensure low moisture content in the final product, enhancing both product quality and profitability. Furthermore, the machine's robust design handles abrasive salt particles with ease, maintaining consistent performance over extended periods.

3. Oil & Gas: Drilling Mud Recycling

Drilling operations in the oil and gas sector generate large volumes of contaminated mud containing valuable drill cuttings and fluids. The decanter centrifuge provides an efficient solution for drill cuttings separation and mud recycling. By quickly and thoroughly separating solid particles from the fluid phase, it not only reduces waste disposal costs but also enhances mud reuse, minimizing the need for fresh mud and enhancing overall drilling efficiency. The machine's high-speed performance ensures continuous processing, allowing for uninterrupted drilling operations.
For more information on decanter centrifuge, please feel free to contact GN Separation.